Workflows are deterministic, stateful, multi-agent programs that are built for production applications. They’re incredibly powerful and offer the following benefits:

  • Full control and flexibility: You have full control over the multi-agent process, how the input is processed, which agents are used and in what order. This is critical for reliability.
  • Pure python: Control the agent process using standard python. Having built 100s of AI products, no framework will give you the flexibility of pure-python.
  • Built-in state management and caching: Store state and cache intermediate results in a database, enabling your agents to re-use results from previous executions.

How to build a workflow:

  1. Define your workflow as a class by inheriting from the Workflow class.
  2. Add one or more agents to the workflow.
  3. Implement your logic in the run() method.
  4. Cache results in the session_state as needed.
  5. Run the workflow using the .run() method.

Example: Blog Post Generator

Let’s create a blog post generator that can search the web, read the top links and write a blog post for us. We’ll cache intermediate results in the database to improve performance.

Create the Workflow

  1. Define your workflow as a class by inheriting from the Workflow class.
from agno.workflow import Workflow

class BlogPostGenerator(Workflow):
  1. Add one or more agents to the workflow.

from agno.agent import Agent
from agno.models.openai import OpenAIChat
from agno.workflow import Workflow
from import DuckDuckGoTools

class BlogPostGenerator(Workflow):
    # Define an Agent that will search the web for a topic
    searcher: Agent = Agent(
        instructions=["Given a topic, search for the top 5 articles."],

    # Define an Agent that will write the blog post
    writer: Agent = Agent(
            "You will be provided with a topic and a list of top articles on that topic.",
            "Carefully read each article and generate a New York Times worthy blog post on that topic.",
            "Break the blog post into sections and provide key takeaways at the end.",
            "Make sure the title is catchy and engaging.",
            "Always provide sources, do not make up information or sources.",
  1. Implement your logic in the run() method.

import json
from typing import Optional, Iterator

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from agno.agent import Agent, RunResponse
from agno.models.openai import OpenAIChat
from agno.workflow import Workflow
from import DuckDuckGoTools
from agno.utils.log import logger

class NewsArticle(BaseModel):
    title: str = Field(..., description="Title of the article.")
    url: str = Field(..., description="Link to the article.")
    summary: Optional[str] = Field(..., description="Summary of the article if available.")

class SearchResults(BaseModel):
    articles: list[NewsArticle]

class BlogPostGenerator(Workflow):
    # Define an Agent that will search the web for a topic
    searcher: Agent = Agent(
        instructions=["Given a topic, search for the top 5 articles."],

    # Define an Agent that will write the blog post
    writer: Agent = Agent(
            "You will be provided with a topic and a list of top articles on that topic.",
            "Carefully read each article and generate a New York Times worthy blog post on that topic.",
            "Break the blog post into sections and provide key takeaways at the end.",
            "Make sure the title is catchy and engaging.",
            "Always provide sources, do not make up information or sources.",

    def run(self, topic: str, use_cache: bool = True) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """This is where the main logic of the workflow is implemented.""""Generating a blog post on: {topic}")

        # Step 1: Search the web for articles on the topic
        search_results: Optional[SearchResults] = self._get_search_results(topic)
        # If no search_results are found for the topic, end the workflow
        if search_results is None or len(search_results.articles) == 0:
            yield RunResponse(
                content=f"Sorry, could not find any articles on the topic: {topic}",

        # Step 2: Write a blog post
        yield from self._write_blog_post(topic, search_results)

    def _get_search_results(self, topic: str) -> Optional[SearchResults]:
        """Get the search results for a topic."""

        MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3

        for attempt in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                searcher_response: RunResponse =

                # Check if we got a valid response
                if not searcher_response or not searcher_response.content:
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Empty searcher response")
                # Check if the response is of the expected SearchResults type
                if not isinstance(searcher_response.content, SearchResults):
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Invalid response type")

                article_count = len(searcher_response.content.articles)
      "Found {article_count} articles on attempt {attempt + 1}")
                return searcher_response.content

            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS} failed: {str(e)}")

        logger.error(f"Failed to get search results after {MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts")
        return None

    def _write_blog_post(self, topic: str, search_results: SearchResults) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """Write a blog post on a topic.""""Writing blog post")
        # Prepare the input for the writer
        writer_input = {"topic": topic, "articles": [v.model_dump() for v in search_results.articles]}
        # Run the writer and yield the response
        yield from, indent=4), stream=True)
  1. Add caching to the workflow where needed.
import json
from typing import Optional, Iterator

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from agno.agent import Agent
from agno.models.openai import OpenAIChat
from agno.workflow import Workflow
from import DuckDuckGoTools
from agno.utils.log import logger

class NewsArticle(BaseModel):
    title: str = Field(..., description="Title of the article.")
    url: str = Field(..., description="Link to the article.")
    summary: Optional[str] = Field(..., description="Summary of the article if available.")

class SearchResults(BaseModel):
    articles: list[NewsArticle]

class BlogPostGenerator(Workflow):
    # Define an Agent that will search the web for a topic
    searcher: Agent = Agent(
        instructions=["Given a topic, search for the top 5 articles."],

    # Define an Agent that will write the blog post
    writer: Agent = Agent(
            "You will be provided with a topic and a list of top articles on that topic.",
            "Carefully read each article and generate a New York Times worthy blog post on that topic.",
            "Break the blog post into sections and provide key takeaways at the end.",
            "Make sure the title is catchy and engaging.",
            "Always provide sources, do not make up information or sources.",

    def run(self, topic: str, use_cache: bool = True) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """This is where the main logic of the workflow is implemented.""""Generating a blog post on: {topic}")

        # Step 1: Use the cached blog post if use_cache is True
        if use_cache:
            cached_blog_post = self._get_cached_blog_post(topic)
            if cached_blog_post:
                yield RunResponse(content=cached_blog_post, event=RunEvent.workflow_completed)

        # Step 2: Search the web for articles on the topic
        search_results: Optional[SearchResults] = self._get_search_results(topic)
        # If no search_results are found for the topic, end the workflow
        if search_results is None or len(search_results.articles) == 0:
            yield RunResponse(
                content=f"Sorry, could not find any articles on the topic: {topic}",

        # Step 3: Write a blog post
        yield from self._write_blog_post(topic, search_results)

    def _get_cached_blog_post(self, topic: str) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the cached blog post for a topic.""""Checking if cached blog post exists")
        return self.session_state.get("blog_posts", {}).get(topic)

    def _add_blog_post_to_cache(self, topic: str, blog_post: Optional[str]):
        """Add a blog post to the cache.""""Saving blog post for topic: {topic}")
        self.session_state.setdefault("blog_posts", {})
        self.session_state["blog_posts"][topic] = blog_post

    def _get_search_results(self, topic: str) -> Optional[SearchResults]:
        """Get the search results for a topic."""

        MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3

        for attempt in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                searcher_response: RunResponse =

                # Check if we got a valid response
                if not searcher_response or not searcher_response.content:
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Empty searcher response")
                # Check if the response is of the expected SearchResults type
                if not isinstance(searcher_response.content, SearchResults):
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Invalid response type")

                article_count = len(searcher_response.content.articles)
      "Found {article_count} articles on attempt {attempt + 1}")
                return searcher_response.content

            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS} failed: {str(e)}")

        logger.error(f"Failed to get search results after {MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts")
        return None

    def _write_blog_post(self, topic: str, search_results: SearchResults) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """Write a blog post on a topic.""""Writing blog post")
        # Prepare the input for the writer
        writer_input = {"topic": topic, "articles": [v.model_dump() for v in search_results.articles]}
        # Run the writer and yield the response
        yield from, indent=4), stream=True)
        # Save the blog post in the cache
        self._add_blog_post_to_cache(topic, self.writer.run_response.content)
  1. Run the workflow
import json
from typing import Optional, Iterator

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from agno.agent import Agent
from agno.models.openai import OpenAIChat
from agno.workflow import Workflow, RunResponse, RunEvent
from import SqliteWorkflowStorage
from import DuckDuckGoTools
from agno.utils.pprint import pprint_run_response
from agno.utils.log import logger

class NewsArticle(BaseModel):
    title: str = Field(..., description="Title of the article.")
    url: str = Field(..., description="Link to the article.")
    summary: Optional[str] = Field(..., description="Summary of the article if available.")

class SearchResults(BaseModel):
    articles: list[NewsArticle]

class BlogPostGenerator(Workflow):
    # Define an Agent that will search the web for a topic
    searcher: Agent = Agent(
        instructions=["Given a topic, search for the top 5 articles."],

    # Define an Agent that will write the blog post
    writer: Agent = Agent(
            "You will be provided with a topic and a list of top articles on that topic.",
            "Carefully read each article and generate a New York Times worthy blog post on that topic.",
            "Break the blog post into sections and provide key takeaways at the end.",
            "Make sure the title is catchy and engaging.",
            "Always provide sources, do not make up information or sources.",

    def run(self, topic: str, use_cache: bool = True) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """This is where the main logic of the workflow is implemented.""""Generating a blog post on: {topic}")

        # Step 1: Use the cached blog post if use_cache is True
        if use_cache:
            cached_blog_post = self._get_cached_blog_post(topic)
            if cached_blog_post:
                yield RunResponse(content=cached_blog_post, event=RunEvent.workflow_completed)

        # Step 2: Search the web for articles on the topic
        search_results: Optional[SearchResults] = self._get_search_results(topic)
        # If no search_results are found for the topic, end the workflow
        if search_results is None or len(search_results.articles) == 0:
            yield RunResponse(
                content=f"Sorry, could not find any articles on the topic: {topic}",

        # Step 3: Write a blog post
        yield from self._write_blog_post(topic, search_results)

    def _get_cached_blog_post(self, topic: str) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the cached blog post for a topic.""""Checking if cached blog post exists")
        return self.session_state.get("blog_posts", {}).get(topic)

    def _add_blog_post_to_cache(self, topic: str, blog_post: Optional[str]):
        """Add a blog post to the cache.""""Saving blog post for topic: {topic}")
        self.session_state.setdefault("blog_posts", {})
        self.session_state["blog_posts"][topic] = blog_post

    def _get_search_results(self, topic: str) -> Optional[SearchResults]:
        """Get the search results for a topic."""

        MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3

        for attempt in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                searcher_response: RunResponse =

                # Check if we got a valid response
                if not searcher_response or not searcher_response.content:
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Empty searcher response")
                # Check if the response is of the expected SearchResults type
                if not isinstance(searcher_response.content, SearchResults):
                    logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS}: Invalid response type")

                article_count = len(searcher_response.content.articles)
      "Found {article_count} articles on attempt {attempt + 1}")
                return searcher_response.content

            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempt + 1}/{MAX_ATTEMPTS} failed: {str(e)}")

        logger.error(f"Failed to get search results after {MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts")
        return None

    def _write_blog_post(self, topic: str, search_results: SearchResults) -> Iterator[RunResponse]:
        """Write a blog post on a topic.""""Writing blog post")
        # Prepare the input for the writer
        writer_input = {"topic": topic, "articles": [v.model_dump() for v in search_results.articles]}
        # Run the writer and yield the response
        yield from, indent=4), stream=True)
        # Save the blog post in the cache
        self._add_blog_post_to_cache(topic, self.writer.run_response.content)

# Run the workflow if the script is executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from rich.prompt import Prompt

    # Get topic from user
    topic = Prompt.ask(
        "[bold]Enter a blog post topic[/bold]\n✨",
        default="Why Cats Secretly Run the Internet",

    # Convert the topic to a URL-safe string for use in session_id
    url_safe_topic = topic.lower().replace(" ", "-")

    # Initialize the blog post generator workflow
    # - Creates a unique session ID based on the topic
    # - Sets up SQLite storage for caching results
    generate_blog_post = BlogPostGenerator(

    # Execute the workflow with caching enabled
    # Returns an iterator of RunResponse objects containing the generated content
    blog_post: Iterator[RunResponse] =, use_cache=True)

    # Print the response
    pprint_run_response(blog_post, markdown=True)

Run the workflow

Install libraries

pip install agno openai duckduckgo-search sqlalchemy

Run the workflow


Now the results are cached in the database and can be re-used for future runs. Run the workflow again to view the cached results.


Checkout more examples in the examples section.