DuckDbTools enable an Agent to run SQL and analyze data using DuckDb.
The following example requires DuckDB library. To install DuckDB, run the following command:
For more installation options, please refer to DuckDB documentation.
The following agent will analyze the movies file using SQL and return the result.
Toolkit Params
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
db_path | str | - | Specifies the path to the database file. |
connection | DuckDBPyConnection | - | Provides an existing DuckDB connection object. |
init_commands | List | - | A list of initial SQL commands to run on database connection. |
read_only | bool | False | Configures the database connection to be read-only. |
config | dict | - | Configuration options for the database connection. |
run_queries | bool | True | Determines whether to run SQL queries during the operation. |
inspect_queries | bool | False | Enables inspection of SQL queries without executing them. |
create_tables | bool | True | Allows creation of tables in the database during the operation. |
summarize_tables | bool | True | Enables summarization of table data during the operation. |
export_tables | bool | False | Allows exporting tables to external formats during the operation. |
Toolkit Functions
Function | Description |
show_tables | Function to show tables in the database |
describe_table | Function to describe a table |
inspect_query | Function to inspect a query and return the query plan. Always inspect your query before running them. |
run_query | Function that runs a query and returns the result. |
summarize_table | Function to compute a number of aggregates over a table. The function launches a query that computes a number of aggregates over all columns, including min, max, avg, std and approx_unique. |
get_table_name_from_path | Get the table name from a path |
create_table_from_path | Creates a table from a path |
export_table_to_path | Save a table in a desired format (default: parquet). If the path is provided, the table will be saved under that path. Eg: If path is /tmp, the table will be saved as /tmp/table.parquet. Otherwise it will be saved in the current directory |
load_local_path_to_table | Load a local file into duckdb |
load_local_csv_to_table | Load a local CSV file into duckdb |
load_s3_path_to_table | Load a file from S3 into duckdb |
load_s3_csv_to_table | Load a CSV file from S3 into duckdb |
create_fts_index | Create a full text search index on a table |
full_text_search | Full text Search in a table column for a specific text/keyword |