Vector Databases
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | str | Required | Name of the Pinecone index |
dimension | int | Required | Dimension of the embeddings |
spec | Union[Dict, ServerlessSpec, PodSpec] | Required | Index specification for Pinecone |
embedder | Optional[Embedder] | OpenAIEmbedder() | Embedder instance to generate embeddings |
metric | Optional[str] | "cosine" | Distance metric for similarity search |
additional_headers | Optional[Dict[str, str]] | {} | Additional headers for Pinecone client |
pool_threads | Optional[int] | 1 | Number of threads for Pinecone client |
namespace | Optional[str] | None | Namespace for document storage |
timeout | Optional[int] | None | Timeout for Pinecone operations |
index_api | Optional[Any] | None | Custom Index API object |
api_key | Optional[str] | None | Pinecone API key |
host | Optional[str] | None | Pinecone host URL |
config | Optional[Config] | None | Pinecone configuration object |
use_hybrid_search | bool | False | Enable hybrid search (vector + keyword) |
hybrid_alpha | float | 0.5 | Weight between vector and keyword search |
reranker | Optional[Reranker] | None | Reranker for post-processing results |